Dollars Doing Better: How Responsible Investment Can Drive Change and Returns - Mentora Institute


Dollars Doing Better: How Responsible Investment Can Drive Change and Returns

SEPTEMBER 20, 2023

About the Organizer: Fast Company is the world’s leading business media brand, with a focus on innovation in technology, leadership, world-changing ideas, creativity, and design. Their annual Innovation Festival aims to bring together thousands of the brightest minds from around the globe to explore and celebrate the creative and groundbreaking ideas that are disrupting and transforming industries.

How can you build a personal investment portfolio designed to both thrive in and improve our future? How can we invest responsibly in a way that not only excludes bad actors but also embraces innovation and drives global change?

Mentora’s Founder Hitendra Wadhwa joined a panel of experts at the Fast Company Innovation Festival to explore these questions and discuss the importance of organizations aligning their vision and strategy along the future to create meaningful change.

Hitendra Wadhwa and panelists sitting on stage at Fast Company event
Hitendra Wadhwa speaking with panelists on stage at Fast Company event
Panelist speaking at the Fast Company event
Panelist speaking to Hitendra Wadhwa on stage at Fast Company event