Ten Distinctive Qualities of Changemakers - Mentora Institute


Ten Distinctive Qualities of Changemakers

NOVEMBER 14, 2022

About the Organizer: Comcast Corporation is the largest American multinational telecommunications conglomerate and the world’s second-largest broadcasting and cable television company.

What are the ten defining qualities of great changemakers like Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt, Martin Luther King, Jr., Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela? 

At Comcast’s ERG Leadership Summit, Hitendra Wadhwa drew on his research on transformative historical leaders to show how we can all become inspiring agents of positive change and drive lasting impact in our personal and professional lives.

Hitendra Wadhwa on Stage at the Comcast Event
Hitendra Wadhwa speaking at the Comcast Event with Nelson Mandela's picture in background
Hitendra Wadhwa speaking at the Comcast Event