Inspirational Leadership - Leadership Program - Mentora Institute

Inspirational Leadership

Get people to perform at their best by keeping them inspired in their epic and everyday moments, starting with your own self.

The Case for Inspirational Leadership

Inspired employees are:

  • 2 times as productive as satisfied employees.
  • 46 percent more satisfied with their jobs.
  • 32 percent more committed to their jobs.
  • Less likely to experience burnout.

Inspired organizations experience:

  • 21% greater profitability
  • 41% reduction in absenteeism.
  • 59% reduction in employee turnover.

Source: McKinsey, Bain

Only 20 percent of employees globally say they feel engaged at work.

Less than 50 percent of employees agree or strongly agree that their leaders are inspiring/motivating.

Sources: Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace 2021 Report, Harvard Business Review

Behaviors Learned

  • An eye vector icon. Use storytelling to inspire, guide, and persuade others
  • open book vector icon. Build a library of impactful stories to draw from when needed
  • An arrow-up vector icon in a circle frame. Spark intrinsic motivation in others — through autonomy, belonging, growth, and purpose
  • A key vector icon Get audiences to understand, buy in, and commit to your ideas
  • A bullseye with a missing part vector icon. Uplift people’s gaze to make them see promise and possibility in all moments

Core Ideas

Inspiration is the invisible fuel that drives great organizations. When people are inspired, they become more motivated, resilient, creative, and collaborative.

We should aim to inspire people not just in epic moments, but also in everyday moments.

To be a force of inspiration for others, we first need to inspire ourselves.

Mentora’s program on Inspirational Leadership includes four principles:



Focus not just on extrinsic motivators like promotion, salary, and benefits, but on intrinsic motivators as well — including connection, growth, and appreciation, for example. Nurture these motivators in people every day.


Develop a library of stories and relate them in a compelling way whenever you need to inspire people to move forward on a chosen path.


When your team encounters hurdles, setbacks, and uncertainty, help them lift their gaze beyond these challenges to the desired future they are working to create, and then take them on a hero’s journey toward this desired future.


Help your audience not only understand your message, but deeply believe in and care for it. They should walk out feeling that your message is their own message — that you have not imposed it on them, but awoken them to it from within.

Case Study

Developing Inspirational Leaders


Prior to the Kraft Heinz merger in 2015, Kraft Heinz APAC was a group of local companies owned by a large global investment firm. As a result, the leadership culture of the APAC region was not in harmony with Kraft Heinz’s global culture. The President of APAC was spearheading a massive effort to move the company and leadership from a transactional, non (people) development-focused culture to a transformational culture where people are key to creating a winning team.


Kraft Heinz APAC partnered with Mentora to help their senior leaders — a group of 51 participants that reported directly to the C-suite — bridge the deficits in their leadership skills by addressing the following challenges they were facing:

  • Lack of leadership experience and understanding
  • Absence of the right role-models in the previous work environment
  • Not knowing what it takes to be inspirational
  • Dealing with fear and low morale in pockets of the organization

Program Delivery

Mentora designed and delivered a two-day in-person workshop with the objective of generating a deeper understanding and appreciation of Inspirational Leadership.

Following the first day of the workshop, participants were offered the opportunity to put their learnings into practice with a series of Mentora Moments — role-plays, missions, and reflections — on our digital platform.


  • 83 percent of the participants were satisfied that the workshop met its objectives.
  • 78 percent of the participants felt that the training was effective in helping them build new skills and improve their performance.

Participant Voices

“Sometimes, trainings get in the weeds of the psychological aspect, or it’s so hypothetical that it’s hard to relate to the ‘real world’. This workshop was developed with the real world in mind.”

Executive | Kraft Heinz

“When we started looking for partners, we didn’t want something off the shelf. We wanted an organization that was going to get to know Kraft Heinz and really help us figure out how to grow in that journey of building leadership capability. It’s very rare that you can find training that’s dynamic and exciting but just as hard-hitting on results and science. That really matched with the Kraft Heinz culture. Mentora has been a wonderful fit for us.”

Stacey Johnson | Head of Leadership & Culture, Kraft Heinz

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