Mentora LIFE - Accelerate Your Personal and Professional Growth


A membership-based community of professionals united in their quest for both material and spiritual advancement through self-discovery, lifelong growth, and the pursuit of a purpose-driven life.

“At the core of our times is a silent cry among us all for a practical, all-pervading spirituality – a nurturing and upliftment of our spirit that can be woven across the whole fabric of our life, our work and our engagement with the world.”

Hitendra Wadhwa


Mentora LIFE is building a place you can keep coming back to for inspiration, guidance and connection as you author every ensuing chapter of your life.

  1. Provide lifelong access to an ever-advancing set of training and tools on how to live and lead from that place where our true self resides, our inner core.
  2. Offer a safe and nurturing space where members come together as growth partners to inspire one another, deepen their understanding of how to create meaningful lives in today’s complex times, crystalize and advance their changemaking efforts to build a more beautiful world, and build lifelong bonds.
  3. Offer an ever-growing repository of curated resources that enrich members’ lives, such as a library of transformative personal journey stories, and independent, enriching perspectives on critical issues of the day.
  4. Bring members in contact with exemplary individuals and groups whose life, culture and work are models for Mentora LIFE’s principles of success and changemaking.
  5. Create a model community that over time inspires others to come together to build their own soul-nurturing spaces and relationships.
  1. Scientific Path: A well-structured path, founded on timeless wisdom and modern science, that guides you on how to advance your happiness, harmony in relationships, health and high-performance by living and leading from that place where your true self resides — your inner core.
  2. Transformation Tools: A suite of practical tools to help pursue Inner Mastery by operating from your inner core in the flow of life and work, and create Outer Impact by achieving breakthroughs in how you resolve conflict, build trust, influence others, inspire your team, deliver constructive feedback, make wise decisions, and address other performance challenges at work and home.
  3. Global Community: An opportunity to build connection and community with like-minded members committed to lifelong growth, the discovery of universal truths, and the balanced pursuit of inner and outer success.
  4. Growth Partners: A small circle of 6-10 growth partners devoted to creating a safe and intimate space to inspire and support one another, deepen their understanding of how to create meaningful lives in today’s complex times, and build lifelong bonds.
  5. Exemplar Network: A network of exemplary individuals who are leading remarkable lives and creating remarkable change in the world, to help you accelerate your own aspirations to build a beautiful life and a beautiful world.
Thought partnership support session at Mentora Life
Your experience will unfold at multiple levels

Self-Paced Learning

  • Classes on advancing your character, leadership, and changemaking.
  • Mentora LiFT platform to help you grow in the flow of life and work.
  • Virtual and in-person dialogues with Dr. Hitendra Wadhwa plus a network of experts and exemplary leaders and changemakers, exclusive to Mentora LIFE members, on topics such as:
    • Becoming a Compelling Communicator
    • Building Unconditional Self-Esteem
    • Ten Principles of Time Management
    • Creating Lasting Relationships
    • The Power of Storytelling
  • Thoughtfully curated library of transformative stories.

Local Chapter Events

  • Member led annual gathering (with families).
  • Quarterly half-day events that include a talk with an exemplary leader/changemaker.

Growth Partner Circle

  • Membership in a Growth Partner circle with 6-10 M.LIFE members.
  • Meet on a regular basis, typically once or twice a month to hold deep, introspective, supportive dialogues.
  • Be guided in Growth Partner meetings by a Mentora-trained facilitator.
  • Access to a suite of Mentora LIFE dialogue tools for deeper connection, support, thought-partnership and inspiration.
  • Monthly growth steps focused on 5 Core Energies, Relationships, Performance at Work, Leadership, Changemaking, Life Purpose, and Spirituality.

Worldwide Community

Access the worldwide community of actively engaged Mentora LIFE members you can tap to pursue meaningful mutual interests through affinity groups (e.g., parenting, creativity, career shifts) and changemaking groups (e.g., community, school, profession).

Deep Work, Deep Connection, and Deep Impact

Deep Work

Actively nurture your 5 core energies, and master the actions that help you express your core in all you do, in life and at work.

  • Self-assessments
  • Orientation – Personal Coaching & Goal-Setting
  • Access to Mentora LiFT
  • Self-paced learning
    • Mentora classes on life and leadership
    • Personal Journeys library of transformative stories
    • Mentora’s publications and podcasts

Deep Connection

Build pure-hearted, long-lasting ties with people who inspire you, challenge you, and bring out the best in you.

  • Mentora LIFE community
    • Member-wide gatherings
  • Growth Partner Circles
  • Mentora LIFE online forum

Deep Impact

Define your path to having meaningful impact in the world and advance your practice of changemaking.

  • Master Class on changemaking principles and skills
  • Dialogues with exemplary changemakers
  • Changemaking Interest Groups
  • Changemaking Missions

Core beliefs

Your Inner Core Holds the Key

  1. While the world today is making huge intellectual advances, its physical, emotional, and spiritual growth aren’t keeping pace at present. This imbalanced growth is the greatest threat to peace, well-being and sustenance.
  2. When we learn to operate from our inner core and express it in all we do, we feel increasingly authentic from within and maximize the conditions for being successful from without.

Core beliefs

A Good Life is Not a Hack

  1. Our pursuit of success and happiness can be greatly facilitated by having a scientific path with structure, steps, and practical tools.  
  2. It takes work, inner and outer, to evolve ourselves, pursue a meaningful life, and create our highest impact in the world. This deep work is, when done right, a very joyful experience.

Core Beliefs

To Build Deep Bonds, the Best in Us Should Honor the Best in Others

  1. We are deeply impacted by the emotions, thoughts, intentions, and energies of the people we spend time with. 
  2. When we strive to act from our inner core and to recognize and activate the core in others, we create deep, enriching, long-lasting bonds.

Core Beliefs

We Discover Deeper Truths by Rising Above Popular Opinions

  1. Popular beliefs come and go. They represent the state of consciousness that exists in society at a point in time. Sometimes these beliefs are attuned to truth, and at other times they are blind to some facets of truth. 
  2. We can get to truth — our best understanding of it — by tuning into our inner voice, creating a safe space for dialogue and exploration with other truth-seekers, and investigating and experimenting with universal principles of success found in the world’s great scriptures, in scientific findings on human nature, and in the storied lives of exemplary human beings.

Core Beliefs

Great and Lasting Impact Requires Dedication to One Cause

  1. Being a good human being, a socially conscious citizen, and a humanitarian isn’t as much about supporting lots of causes as it is about dedicating yourself to the one noble cause you feel deeply sparked by, and serving it to your fullest capacity. 
  2. This dedication doesn’t preclude you from evolving your cause and your path to pursuing it over time, from moving from your present cause to a higher cause when you feel called to do so, or from honoring other noble causes without making them your own.


“Mentora LIFE has provided me with an invaluable opportunity to engage with a committed group of exceptional people with a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. The Growth Partner Circle has given me an extraordinary opportunity to reflect on and receive assistance with my own goals and challenges as well as offering me the chance to provide feedback to assist fellow partners.”

Jonah Zimiles, Managing Principal at [words] Bookstore, Columbia Business School Class of  ’06

“M.LIFE has been inspiring and practical. Each member is accomplished and deeply thoughtful. Our discussions in our monthly group sessions as well as 1:1 have helped me gain broader perspective and have led to some practical experiments in my life that are making me even more effective as a husband and dad and as leader.”

T. Sean McKean, Partner, ghSMART, Columbia Business School (’12)

“I was attracted to Mentora LIFE because I’ve been drawn to the question of purpose throughout my life. I aspire to ask the deep questions, the hard questions, the questions that as I seek to answer infuse and fill my life with meaning. In the frenetic pace of today’s world, of life with 24/7 professional and personal demands, I wanted to be part of a broader like-minded group to help me remain accountable to myself and to the process of answering the big “life” questions: Why am I here? How can I  best be of service to others? What and how do I want to continue to learn and put forth? How can I be a better leader? When I came across Hitendra’s work and Mentora LIFE, I found what I was looking for. In these first initial months we are building precisely what we are all seeking: connection, purpose, meaning, intention, and a group that will ensure we individually and collectively continue to move forward along life’s journey from a centered, clear, and deeply committed vision for ourselves- a vision that came from within.”

Claudina Bonetti, Senior Executive & Entrepreneur

“My journey with Mentora LIFE has been truly transformative. Being surrounded and supported by an amazing growth partner circle has been an external ordinary experience I never had before. It is such a diverse group where each member brings unique perspective and wisdom, and most importantly, the level of the vulnerability and the love presented during the group and also 1 to 1 inner interactions. It is truly authentic and eye opening. The practice of the daily core review and sharing the progress and learning with the growth part of the circle has benefited me significantly, and it affects my day to day life, through the reflections of gratitude, struggles and core energies. The journey has allowed me to be on the path to become a better person, and leaders bring the best out of me for a greater impact to those around me. And truly, I it feels privileged to have such a great group in my Circle. Each of them are mentor to me.”

Director | Consumer Electronics Industry

“I feel we’re poised for a reset in terms of how we show up for ourselves, each other and the world. There’s an opportunity to find ways to develop in ourselves and model and inspire others to develop more transformational leadership. Where we’re tapping into the inner infinite potential we each have and support that in others to collectively unleash a greater good… It’s been a real pleasure to be a part of this founding group. What’s been most inspiring for me is there’s a group of people who have a shared view of wanting to do the work individually and collectively around the inner discovery to enhance our opportunity to do better for others and in the world, which clearly needs it.”

Sukanya Soderland | SVP, Chief Strategy Officer, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Harvard Business School (‘08)

“Participating in Mentora LIFE was a complete leap of faith for me, as I knew very little about it, jumping in at the suggestion of a close friend who joined the same cohort. His simple description of a purpose driven life long growth and meaning resonated with me at time change and transition, both personally and professionally. Having never pursued any sort of thing like this, I am thrilled to learn that these goals can be distilled into a rational practice, and to experience this with a diverse group of peers who brim with intelligence and unlimited decency. I am greatly curious and excited to see where the program takes us!”

Tim Robb | General Counsel, World Insurance Associates

Membership fee
  • One-time Initiation Fee


  • Annual Membership Fee



Our aim is to make Mentora LIFE broadly available and accessible to all who are committed to pursuing this path, and we do not want financial concerns to be a hindrance to your participation. We will be instituting a limited number of annual scholarships for those who qualify, as our membership grows. Please inquire by writing to [email protected].


Mentora LIFE may meet the employee-benefit standards at your workplace, as a professional development, coaching, or educational investment.

Mentora LIFE members can learn more about seeking sponsorship from their companies here. Companies considering sponsorship of Mentora LIFE for their employees may learn more here.

How do I apply?

The Mentora LIFE team is also currently accepting applications for our next round of cohorts. To apply click here.

To be added to our mailing list to get updates on Mentora LIFE, fill out this form. Please also feel free to reach out to [email protected] with any questions.

Is everyone who applies for the program accepted?

Membership in Mentora LIFE is based on the best assessment we can make on whether an applicant is going to benefit from and contribute to the program in the way it has been designed. In some cases, despite one’s best intentions, this match is not there, and when this happens, we counsel the applicant to pursue another path that may be a better fit for them.

How much time should I expect to commit to this program?

You should expect to commit 6 hours per month to planned learning and Growth Partner Circle activities. You may optionally wish to put in additional time on self-paced activities.

How long are the Growth Partner Circle meetings?

Your Growth Partners and you will decide on your meeting cadence and length. A typical format is to meet once a month for 3 hours, or twice a month for 1.5-2 hours.

Is there any preferred pricing for groups?

We welcome interest from groups. No preferred pricing is available at the moment.

Mentora LIFE may qualify for corporate sponsorship at my organization. How do I proceed?

Please be in touch with us at [email protected] if we can support your process of seeking sponsorship of the membership fees.