Past Events from December 12, 2023 – April 8 – Mentora Institute


Mentora Life Information Session

You’re invited to join the Mentora Life team, along with others interested in joining, for a joyful, reflective, and connected space to introduce you to the Mentora Life program. Learn more about Mentora Life Tuesday, December 12th, from 12-1 ET via Zoom. Register here.  

Growth Strategy in an Era of Great Transformation

Columbia University New York

Explore winning strategies in today's dynamic landscape with Columbia Business School Professors - Rita McGrath & Hitendra Wadhwa. Learn to inspire change, respond with agility, and harness innovation for organizational success.

Mentora LIFE Information Session

You’re invited to join the Mentora LIFE team, along with others interested in joining, for a joyful, reflective, and connected space to introduce you to the Mentora LIFE program. Learn more about Mentora LIFE January 11, 2024 @ 7:00-8:00 pm ET / January 12, 2024 8:00-9:00 AM SGT via Zoom.  Register here.

Mentora LIFE Talk Series: Melissa Bernstein

Join us for a conversation with Mentora LIFE featuring Professor Hitendra Wadhwa–Columbia Business School Professor, Founder of The Mentora Institute, and author of the book, Inner Mastery, Outer Impact–and special guest Melissa Bernstein, Co-Founder Melissa & Doug Toys and Co-Founder Lifelines.  Mentora LIFE Talk Series events provide opportunity for engagement, reflection, and connection bringing together...

Mentora LIFE Global: Winter Cohort Application Due Date

Mentora LIFE accepts new cohorts to join the global Mentora network in the fall (October), winter (February), and spring (April).  The application due date for the winter cohort is Tuesday, January 23, 2024.  Apply here. Members become part of a Growth Partner Circle of peers with whom they meet on a monthly basis, a local...

AI & The Future of Learning: Creating Performance Breakthroughs

Join us for an eye-opening webinar — Creating Performance Breakthroughs in the Flow of Work —  to learn more about: ​How high-performance is a state we can all learn to access on demand ​The 25 Actions that research shows are critical to achieving performance breakthroughs ​Mentora’s real-time coaching tool, LiFT (leadership-in-flow technology), powered by Generative...

Mentora LIFE Information Session

You’re invited to join the Mentora LIFE team, along with others interested in joining, for a joyful, reflective, and connected space to introduce you to the Mentora LIFE program. Learn more about Mentora LIFE. March 19, 2024 @ 12:00-1:00 pm ET via Zoom. Learn more about the session.

Mentora LIFE Spring Early Application

Apply early by March 22nd for the Spring cohort starting April 15th. Successful applicants will receive an invitation to our member-exclusive spring Talk Series featuring Lisa Miller, Ph.D (on April 2nd at 6 pm ET via Zoom) and a complimentary copy of Lisa’s book, “The Awakened Brain.” 

Mentora LIFE Spring Regular Application

Apply for the Spring cohort starting on April 15th. Build connection and community with like-minded truth-seekers united in a shared quest for happiness, health, high performance, and harmony, and tap Mentora Institute’s rich arsenal of personal and professional growth tools and our network of inspiring role models and experts. 


“Mentora LIFE has provided me with an invaluable opportunity to engage with a committed group of exceptional people with a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. The Growth Partner Circle has given me an extraordinary opportunity to reflect on and receive assistance with my own goals and challenges as well as offering me the chance to provide feedback to assist fellow partners.”

Jonah Zimiles, Managing Principal at [words] Bookstore, Columbia Business School Class of  ’06

“Thank you for being one of the most influential teachers in my life. I’m meticulously curating all that I’ve been learning from you into guidance from my boys (5 and 8) about leadership, following their inner core, and all the guiding principles you provide. Thank you for your work on our planet at this wonderful time in history.”
